Monday, February 9, 2009

The ultimate Windows apologists reference

Every now and then somebody attempts to debunk the usual Linux myths. Having quite some experience in that area I have a good idea of what will happen. If your article is picked up by the Windows community, you will get quite some comments. They usually will repeat the SOFUD and sneer at you and your beloved Operating System.

In order to save them some time and possibly prevent them from causing a devastating BSOD I've decided to collect their comments and publish them here, so they just need to reference this page. Here we go.
1.You will have to waste hours learning a new OS and applications.
(So what is the difference?)
2.I like Windows, it works for me.
(Writing this blog with pins stuck in my face works for me, but I can imagine more comfortable ways to do it.)
3.You can’t play any games on Linux.
(We are not accustomed to use our multihundred dollar equipment for such trivial undertakings. We use it to write kernels, compilers and next generation web deamons. Klondike is all we need for passing the time between compiles.)
4.You’re pathetic, Linux has a 0.00001% marketshare. If it really were this good, there would be more.
(Just too many pointy haired CIOs that believe 'Get the facts' reports).
5.Amateur applications, there is nothing like Photoshop, Premiere etc. etc.
(Most Windows users spend their time cleaning up the skin imperfections of the models on the cover of 'Playboy' and 'Vogue' instead of removing the red eyes on their holiday snapshots. They probably even paid for it. Good point.)
6.Microsoft spends billions on research.
(Which brought us Bob, a talking paperclip and several bad Apple OS imitations.)
7.All Windows problems are due to bad hardware, bad drivers, bad users.
(And you said Linux was a religion?)
8.I’m a Windows user so I’m too dumb to come up with any real arguments; I’d rather repeat the SOFUD and put my fingers in my ears when somebody makes a point. Lalalalala. I'm not hearing you, I'm not hearing you!
Sigh. No wonder Microsoft is turning to FOSS experts in its search for intelligence..


Anonymous said...

Regarding #4

Lamborghini manufactured 0.0042% of all passenger cars world wide in 2006. Who doesn't want to own one of those?

Anonymous said...

I use Linux every day but this is not very useful one way or the other just the usual lame fanboyism.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand how this lame of an anti-Windows rant made it to Linux Today.

1. It does take time to learn an OS.
2. Windows is perfectly fine for someone who's comfortable with it.
3. Linux users don't like games? Way to take the desktop market!
4. Never heard that.
5. Insults are not counter-points.
6. MS also brought us some of the best enterprise software around...Active Directory, Exchange, SQL Server, etc and the best office suite, MS Office.
7. A lot of Windows problems ARE due to those factors you mentioned.
8. Once again, throwing insults around is a poor way of making a point.

/typing this from my Ubuntu machine

Anonymous said...

*Amateur applications, there is nothing like Photoshop, Premiere etc. etc.

You said it not me , Amateur is how id describe FOSS software . And a complete failure .

As for the 3d modeling yeah your beginning to understand that not everyone has the same needs such as yourself for example i use a P2 camera at work its metadata is only supported by Premier CS4 .

Im a power user and i use Proprietary software , Amature crap like cavilera just dosnt cut it for me

Unknown said...

I have a canned response to "90+% of the world uses windows":
- 90+% of the world either walks or uses a bicycle to get to work. When are you trading in your car?

Brent R Brian said...

Linux is boring. I come home, fire it up, do my thing, sign off, forget it. It always works, non-stop, no muss or fuss, just works. I maintain 6 linux boxes, with no effort at all.

I had ONE WinXP box, and besides the BSOD and lock ups, bad drivers, security issues caused me to replace:

MS Outlook with Eudora
MS firewall with Zone Alarm

and install:

AVG anti-virus
AD-AWARE anti-

Botched updates cause more than one reload of the OS. Nobody could use the system without constant worry and painstaking care to avoid infected e-mail, links, websites or downloads.


I went from MS-DOS to WinXP and enough was enough. I only wanted ONE full time job.

Funny, I have friends that claim their windows experience is easy, never been infected ... these same folks ask me why their ISP is threatening to disconnect their internet connection for sending SPAM ... "I don't send spam!"

No, but your "uninfected" spam zombie PC is ....

Ivan Privaci said...

"3. You can’t play any games on Linux."
The computer IS the game!

That said, if someone happens to run into Scott Draeker, you may be justified in abusing him in some manner or other of your choosing...

alvare#ClrnD said...

9) "U cant do anythin in linux!"
( At that same time he's already nmaped, and the netcat script has already set 3 listening daemons waiting for orders in his C:\ xP )

Anonymous said...

Support for this post from:

Linux Versus the Microsoft Trained Brain Syndrome


Anonymous said...

I don't think I'll ever get past the ones that claim Linux is harder to use and requires techie skills. I moved from Windows after it kept raising the skill-required bar to have it crash less and do what I wanted it to do. Thank you, Linux, for letting me have a reliable PC that lets me be a mental couch potato!

No, this isn't a joke or a spoof; my real experience is that learning Fedora was a lot easier than XP, and I have a PC that I can trust to work when I'm ready.

Anonymous said...

6.Microsoft spends billions on research.

And they're going to get sued by the shareholders because they're fed up with all of the quality "research" Microsoft produces:

Anonymous said...

An analogy I use in my GNU-Linux/FOSS presentations, particularly in regard to low market percentage of Linux as compared to Windows is:
Chevrolet has a much, much large share of the car marker compared to Honda, but would I buy a Chevy instead of an Accord?

W. Anderson

Anonymous said...

Windows is popular!
By that definition of "popular", death and taxes are extremely popular! Having no choice does not equal popularity.

The Beez' said...

Thanx for the Slashdot link! I added it to the article.

Anonymous said...

Everyone who says that desktop Linux is a no go for 3d modeling use, is total and complete moron (at least in my book). Windows fanboys: Use Google before posting fud.
Unless you can't because Google runs on Linux...

Anonymous said...

"Everyone who says that desktop Linux is a no go for 3d modeling use, is total and complete moron (at least in my book). Windows fanboys: Use Google before posting fud.
Unless you can't because Google runs on Linux..."

Nonsense , absolute nonsense . No person claims that theyre isnt a 3d modeling application for linux or a image editor or anything else .

But the fact is that these amateur applications are inferior to their proprietary rivals and are practically useless for anything more than amateur users such as yourself .

At the end of the day , Its all very well for zealots to lavish praise on open source crap and put down commercial software .

It dosnt fool anyone , You can call GIMP or cavilera professional fanastic or anything else but these applications dont meet my needs .

Premier and Photoshop CS4 do , open source software is inferior software.

The Beez' said...

Another Windows user of the final category, arent't you?

Most Hollywood movies were made with Linux. Amateur!

Unknown said...

"You said it not me , Amateur is how id describe FOSS software . And a complete failure .

As for the 3d modeling yeah your beginning to understand that not everyone has the same needs such as yourself for example i use a P2 camera at work its metadata is only supported by Premier CS4 ."

Can you define vendor lock-in?

"Im a power user and i use Proprietary software , Amature crap like cavilera just dosnt cut it for me"

If you are trying to insult a program at least get it's name right.

I use linux which has been working for me since 1999 and it gets better every 6 months.

BTW I whould love to know how many windows fanboys actually payed for the licence of the os and "insert name of application i don't really need 90% of functionality but i get it anyways because that's what the pros use even if it is a bloated pig that takes forever to do anything on my underpowered crap of pc".

Anonymous said...

Hi Hans,

This is the first time I came across your blog. I love it and didn't have such a good laugh for weeks.

It is funny to see how you are accused of fanboyism over and over again, by the most faithful, true believers of the My-Crow-Shaft cult.

Very entertaining.

Keep up the good work ;-)

JM said...

Wow. Just came here to see what this was about (I got a Ubuntu Ultimate 2.0 x64/FreeBSD 4.3 x86 dualboot). And ooh this is really full of windoze zealots. Dunno what they see in such crappy OS.

Anonymous said...

thank you for letting us coexist with you smart lin(s)ux users

Anonymous said...

6. Microsoft spends billions on research.
(Which brought us Bob, a talking paperclip and several bad Apple OS imitations.)
Very funny, thank you :-)